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Activism vs Slacktivism

I strongly believe that our current technology-driven culture inspires slacktivism. I know this because I've definitely taken part in slacktivism through platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Many people use hashtags, likes, and shares to justify that they're doing something for the cause. I know that this probably makes more people aware of the issue, but how many people actually donate or find out how they can truly make a difference? A very small amount. A picture or hashtag can be seen and shared by millions of people but this doesn't always rack up the appropriate help or aide the organization needs or asks for. One trend I absolutely despise is the "one like = one prayer" or "like/share if you care, ignore if you don't" that I've mostly seen on Facebook. I've seen friends and family members share these posts and I always think to myself, WHAT IS THE POINT? YOU AREN'T HELPING ANYONE, AT ALL.

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